Ok, I'm ADD, I'll admit it... phwew... When it comes to web comics, I will start at the beginning, and work my way through the entire set, and then be all frustrated with the fact that web comic creators just can't create fast enough for me... I have the same problems with my favorite authors too but normally I vent my frustration at their publishers. RANT: (David Weber and John Ringo's WE FEW, published in the spring of 2004, and not released in paperback until Sept 30 2006 by BAEN PUBLISHING is just criminal.)
So my significant other is wont to sic me on comics, despite the knowing that doing so is the fastest way to lead me into temptation, and mess up my ability to get any work done or sleep until I'm caught up on the various story-lines. So she sends me this comic link today. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html
It's an rpg comic, and bloody hilarious...
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