Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Web Comics

Ok, I'm ADD, I'll admit it... phwew... When it comes to web comics, I will start at the beginning, and work my way through the entire set, and then be all frustrated with the fact that web comic creators just can't create fast enough for me... I have the same problems with my favorite authors too but normally I vent my frustration at their publishers. RANT: (David Weber and John Ringo's WE FEW, published in the spring of 2004, and not released in paperback until Sept 30 2006 by BAEN PUBLISHING is just criminal.)
So my significant other is wont to sic me on comics, despite the knowing that doing so is the fastest way to lead me into temptation, and mess up my ability to get any work done or sleep until I'm caught up on the various story-lines. So she sends me this comic link today. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html
It's an rpg comic, and bloody hilarious...

Critiquegod's Rating E for Exceeds Expectations

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Bourne Supremacy

Hey all

Tonight's review is of a movie inspired by a book. Robert Ludlum's Bourne Supremacy is not a movie for the critically stupid. It is however action packed enough to hold the attention of even the terminally couch potatoed of the world on a slow night.
Matt Damon's performance, as Jason Bourne is very good, with the young actor insisting on doing almost all of his own stunts. One in particular stands out, the evasion scene at the Canal/Rail Station. In this scene Bourne is attempting to evade the German Politzei, and he uses a clever stratagem of knowing the train schedule's and a practical eye to skip from the train station bridge to the barge and back up underneath the bridge using a found boat hook. A combination of clever lighting and exemplary stunt work make this truly an excellent scene. I will not dwell on the wonderful combat sequence that occurs when Bourne seeks out an old agent, except to say that finally someone got a real fight between experts on tape. Performances by Julia Stiles and Joan Allen are awesome. Brian Cox is also at the height of his game as an actor in this movie. I'm eagerly awaiting the next movie in this series of works.

Critiquegod's Rating O for Outstanding

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Law & Order

Hello all...

I have to admit that I am a fan of Dick Wolf's series Law and Order. I really like the ongoing topical nature of this program. It's always interesting, even the re-runs, and if it is a choice between some third rate action flick, or B grade horror or comedy, the characters on Law and Order always will win out in the channel surfing war. I'm not a New Yorker, but I loved Lennie Briscoe (Jerry Orbach), and the rotating cast of assistant DA's always held my attention. Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) seems to epitomize the 60's protester who turned to society's legal system to beat the draft and to fight for as much social justice as the office of prosecutor would permit. A DA with a heart. As the show heads into its 17th season the myriad crimes that are available to the writers have not diminished and there is every reason to believe that the high quality of the production will continue to attract fans from every walk of life.

Critiquegod's rating E - Exceeds Expectations
O - Outstanding
E - Exceeds Expectations
A - Acceptable
P - Poor
D - Dreadful
T - Troll
N - Not with your eyes
Yes, these are Hogwarts grades, and I've added one on the bottom.


Hello World....

As the title says this is a critique site for just about everything. I will not respond to abuse, as that kind of "flameage" is both juvenile and moronic, and deserves to be sent to the hell of fimbulvetr. That being said, feel free to talk to me about any post if you have reasoned or even non-reasoned civil comments. I can be reached at critiquegodATSigngmail.com, but I will not guarantee a response, ever. If you find me here, enjoy.
