Monday, January 14, 2008

The Dresden Chronicles

By Jim Butcher, Published by ROC fantasy, a division of Penguin.

Harry Dresden, wizard. The premise is that magic exists, and Harry Dresden is a real time, real world wizard. He solves problems, and creates some, because that is who he is. Fatally flawed with a damsel in distress handicap, Harry through the course of 5 novels collects a small entourage of recurring characters. Lt Karrin Murphy, a Chicago PD detective who is too short, and deadly. A fairy godmother, the Leansidhe, who has offered to shapeshift him into the form of a hound, that he might be happier. Ebenezer McCoy, his teacher, a scots wizard who is also the White Council's BlackStaff, a breaker of rules and enforcer in the magical world. Ramiriez, a young talented hispanic wizard from the west coast who is pure of heart, and body. Wizard Morgan, Harry's nemisis, a Warden, who has on occasion been tasked with Harry's execution for past transgressions.
Rarely do I ever rate writers, but Jim Butcher is an exception. He is a writer with a consistent, humorous, and poignant storytelling ability.
I can't say enough about the Dresden Files. Buy Them, Read Them, Loan Them to friends. Fantasy in the modern world has few masters, Jim Butcher is one of them.

Critiquegod's rating: O for Outstanding!

Friday, January 11, 2008

A Shot in the Dark

Classic Humor.
Peter Sellers, Burt Kwouk, Herbert Lom, Elke Sommer, to name the most memorable.

Inspector Clouseau to the rescue!

A staffing mistake puts the bumbling Inspector onto the case of the murder of a Spaniard in this 1964 detective classic.

Who killed who is really not the question after 30 minutes of twisted detective logic, and absurd situations. Herbert Lom's Chief Inspector is quite right in his mad desire to rid the world of Insp. Jacques Clouseau's supreme incompetence. Brilliant slapstick entertainment. Still makes me laugh after all these years.

Critiquegod's rating: O for Outstanding